Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Home again!

Home again, home again! I arrived home safe & sound about noon on Saturday. The flight was not nearly as bad as it sounds on paper. I slept about 6 or 7 hours, watched a movie, read my book, chatted with my co-workers on the flight with me, got to know the 2 women in the row ahead of me who were flying home to Connecticut and Seattle from a trade show they were attending in Mumbai.

I've had very little jetlag, for which I am abundantly thankful! I fell asleep around 8p on Saturday evening and slept until 9a on Sunday morning. I took it easy (read: didn't get out of my jammies) on Sunday, went to bed again around 8:30p and got up Monday morning feeling fine. I'm still just a little bit sleepy, but that's my constant state anyway, so I can't really call that jetlag. My body does seem to be having a little difficulty re-adjusting to what I assume is a higher fat content diet than what I was eating in India; I'll just leave it at that...

I am thrilled I got the opportunity to make this trip, and I already miss India (not to mention Santosh!). I'm back at work but have as yet not convinced any of my co-workers to be the office boy. I'm still working on it, though.

I do have one last set of photos that I need to upload, so check back here one more time in the next day or two.

Hope y'all liked my blog and got a virtual taste of Western India. Next time I go (which I hope to be within the year!), I plan to visit Delhi and the Taj Mahal. I'll keep you posted on that trip! Take care everyone!

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