Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Preparing for my trip to Pune

Since I'm leaving the Western hemisphere for the first time in my life, I decided to try another first... blogging. So I'm using my first blog to record my first trip to India.

The adventure began about 3 weeks ago when all the begging and pleading I'd been throwing at my employer finally paid off and they offered me the opportunity to visit our office in Pune, India. I am thrilled and excited at the opportunity to meet some of the people that I've been working with for many months, not to mention the opportunity to see and experience their culture first-hand. I've found that a typical response when I tell someone that I'm going to India is trepidation; people are nervous on my behalf. And when they find out I'm not that nervous, they want to tell me all the reasons I should be! I appreciate their concern but what I appreciate more is their advice of what I might want to be taking, doing to prepare, or excited about!

Some of the best advice I've received so far is to:
  • take along my own "fat" (to eat if my malaria pills make me queasy). I'm thinking bags of potato chips.
  • take slippers for the plane (so my feet don't get cold and I'm more comfortable).
  • take noise-cancelling headphones (so the drone of the aircraft engines don't drive me insane).
  • get my shots (Thanks Jessie Mullins at Peachtree Travel Clinic!)

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